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How you can document the development of a child over time and complete your cycle of planning on LoveHeart
What is a Learning Journey?Learning Journeys in LoveHeart
How do I write a Learning Story?Learning Story
How do I create a Learning Journey?Stuck on how to get started with LoveHeart? This is the article for you!
How do I do a Journey Reflection?
How do I create a Letter or Diary?Letter or Diary
How do I create a Summative Assessment?
Developmental Milestones Checklist
Does LoveHeart link to the ACECQA Planning Cycle?Yes! The language we use in LoveHeart can be compared to the ACECQA Planning cycle.
How to add photos?LoveHeart offers the ability to add photos to learning stories, journals, and plans so that you can easily capture your favourite moments.
Can I print my observations i.e. learning stories?
Can I create group observations i.e. learning stories?
Can I translate my observations i.e. Learning Stories in other languages?
Can I record my own voice? i.e. voice memo
Can I print my Observations in another Language?
Can I edit my Observations i.e. Learning Stories?
How do I recover deleted text and information in my Observations?
How to follow up i.e. where to from here?
How to create a Learning Plan
How to mark a Learning Plan complete
How to do an observation without linking a child?
Can I edit my jottings and notes?
What are jottings?
How to Create a Summative Assessment by Uploading a photo of a Learning Document on LoveHeart
Creating Summative Assessments in a Child's Journey on LoveHeart
What Are the Different Story Types in a LoveHeart Journal?
What are Stages in a Journey?
How to set the Stages for your centre's Journey'sStages in Journeys
Using Stages in a Child's JourneyStages in a child's Journeys
Reviewing and Monitoring Stages across JourneysReviewing and monitoring Stages
How to Switch Views in a Journey: Timeline or StagesSwitch views
How to write an observation in Journals using the LoveHeart AppHere's a quick demo of how to create an observation in Journals using the LoveHeart App:
How do I mark my Journey stages complete?Mana provides an automated AI auditing tool based off the chosen framework and content written by educators to track planning, reduce the workload for educational leaders, and ensure that every…